Abdominal Strength and Back Pain Physiotherapy

Injuries to the back can occur from sport accidents, lifting injuries at home or work, or from having a poor posture.  There are many types of injuries, but most common types are muscle strains, disc prolapse, and sprain in the joints. 

It is essential to learn about the correct way of training your back muscles and supporting abdominal muscles.  One common phrase you may hear is to increase your  Transverse Abdominus strength. This is a very deep muscle that directly supports your lumbar spine. People with lower back pain often develop a weak TrAbdominus and therefore they have difficulty stabilising their spine when playing sports or when lifting.

This set of muscles are initially difficult to exercise, you will need some instruction from your physiotherapist.

The benefit of exercising these muscles are:

  • Increase the strength of your spinal stabilizer muscles, therefore reducing the occurrence of pain
  • Improve the strength and tone of your abdomen
  • May improve incontinence – or post pregnancy issues
  • Prevention of back pain

A lot of these physio exercises require supervision to see if you are activating the correct muscle groups. Our physiotherapists are trained in teaching these exercises and can write you a comprehensive exercise program to assist with your back pain recovery or even just to prevent you from suffering back pain in the future.

Call 02 9681 3467 or Click Here To Book An Appointment

Call 02 9681 3467 or book
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We have the Hicaps system at Guildford Physiotherapy Sports Centre so if you’re in a health fund, simply bring your card and you only have to pay the gap amount. Our physiotherapists are members of the Australian Physiotherapy Association

We are still OPEN as Physiotherapy is an Essential service