Patient Type
Sport Injuries
Sports injuries require a different rehabilitation approach as compared to non-sports related injuries. Athletes typically need to return to a higher-level of performance and demand. Our physiotherapists are experienced in helping athletes recover from their injuries and return to their sporting activities. Our spacious clinic is also equipped with a variety of rehabilitation and gym equipment that our physiotherapists utilise to prescribe sports specific drills and exercises to rehabilitate your injuries and get you back to doing what you love, stronger and better.
Back and Neck Pain
Injuries to the back and neck can occur from sports accidents, lifting injuries at home or work, or from having a poor posture. There are many types of injuries, but most common types are muscle strains, disc prolapse, and sprain in the joints.
A lot of these physio exercises require supervision to see if you are activating the correct muscle groups. Our physiotherapists are trained in teaching these exercises and can write you a comprehensive exercise program to assist with your back and neck pain recovery or even just to prevent you from suffering this pain in the future.
Work Injuries
& WorkCover Claims
Work-related injuries can occur in every type of workplace and have a significant impact on those who are injured as well as their families. Our physiotherapists are SIRA approved and experienced in treating work-related injuries and navigating Workers compensation claims. We are committed to providing treatment specific to your return to work needs and help you get back to work safely and as soon as possible. Our physiotherapists will also liaise with your insurers and other health professionals directly to make sure you are receiving the best support while you get better.
Motor Vehicle Accident Injuries
& CTP Claims
Our physiotherapists are skilled in treating individuals and conditions that arise from motor vehicle accidents. Our physiotherapists are SIRA approved and experienced in treating motor vehicle accident injuries and navigating CTP claims. We are committed to providing effective treatment to help you recover back to your pre-injury status. We also work closely with your insurer, and your other treating health professionals to ensure you are receiving the best support and care.
Our physiotherapists are compassionate and dedicated to helping you achieve your goals. We work collaboratively with you, and your family, as well as other allied health professionals to provide holistic and caring treatment either in our well-equipped clinic, or the comfort of your home. Our physiotherapists are experienced in both manual therapy skills and exercise prescription to help improve your movement, strength, balance, coordination, flexibility, fitness and mobility.
My Aged Care
Guildford Physiotherapy Sports Centre provides a range of physiotherapy services for seniors and residencies in the community. Our physiotherapists are experienced in aged-care services including pain management, falls prevention, as well as prescribing exercises individualised for your specific movement issues. Our physiotherapists can help improve your balance, strength, movement, pain and mobility.
Department of Veterans’ Affairs
Physiotherapy is therapeutic for anyone who is suffering from symptoms or injuries associated with chronic conditions, ageing and working. We provide services for DVA clients including treatment to help improve your pain, movement, and other physical ailments.